Finding Nemo is an animated Pixar film that follows a lost clownfish's journey home. Bruce the shark was the leader of the Fish-Friendly Sharks club.
The expressive group leader tends to emphasize the collective well being of the group. In contrast, the democratic group leader encourages decision making.
Yes,the real leader of the galactic guardian group from symbionic is Titan Lance's father.
a group of Blackbirds is called a murder
Their group is called a pride.
A leader or the head of an Arabian family group or the head of the tribe is called a Sheikh. :)
A group of advisers, usually for a nation's leader, is often called a(n):
Monkeys live and travel in a group that is called a troop. The leader of the group is called the alpha male and he is the most dominant male in the group.
There is no single leader of Buddhism any more than there is a single leader of Christianity , Islam or Judaism. Each group follows its own leader or traditions.
Squadron Leader.
דעם הייליגן רעבע
John Winthrop was the leader of the people who were settling in Boston. The group of people who settled in Boston were called the Puritans.
John Winthrop was the leader of the people who were settling in Boston. The group of people who settled in Boston were called the Puritans.
Call-and-Response ;)