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Q: What is the best sneaker for arch support?
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Which shoes have the best arch support?

The New Balance - 858 gives excellent arch support, it has an extended web along the TK for more support.

Which is the best sneaker selling website?

Here is the best sneaker selling website. We have the best first quality sneaker.

Do ugg ultimate boots have arch support?

yes they have great arch support

What is Nike's best selling sneaker?

The Nike air shoe is the best selling sneaker. The link has much more info on this.

Do combat boots have good arch support?

yes. combat boots have an amazing arch support.

Who can tell me online store that sells best arch support running shoes?

Of all of the online stores that I have "visited", the Asics website has the best arch support running shoes. According to their website, you may find Asics online at,, and

What is the Worlds best selling sneaker?


Where can I find running shoes that support my arch?

Different types of running shoes provide many types of arch support. See the following for the information requested about running shoes with arch support:

What is the arch in the foot called?

The arch in the foot is called the plantar arch. It is composed of the longitudinal arch and the transverse arch, providing support and flexibility to the foot.

How does a arch work?

An arch works by transfering the load on the central portion of the arch outward and downward into the columns which support it.

What is curved support called?

An arch

Is there any website that allows you to purchase just one sneaker?

I think the best place to do that would be on Ebay. Type in "one sneaker" or "single sneaker" on Ebay and many searches and listings will come out.