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Summer would be your best bet.

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Q: What is the best season to go swimming outside?
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When is the best time to go swimming in the waimea bay?

The best time to go swimming in the Waimea Bay is when it's warm outside. You don't want to go swimming when it's cold out, you might get sick or very cold.

How do Golden Retrievers play?

You can teach them to fetch or they can go swimming. They play outside.

WHERE do frogs go during rainy days?

they go outside and do not hide. they love to go outside during rainy season.

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How do you use she'd in a sentences?

She'd like to go swimming, but it's snowing outside.

What are some activities that mark the change of season from spring to summer?

you can go swimming or go to the beach and have fun! :II

What is a kids favorite season?

Summer-go outside more (:

Is it safe for me to go swimming with a fungal infection?

It is not safe to go swimming with a fungal infection, as it can spread to others and worsen your condition. It is best to avoid swimming until the infection has cleared up.

What season is the best?

Summer or Spring, Because you can go outside and life is buzzing all around you. It's Winter because you can wear your warm clothes and sit in front of fire drinking hot cocoa after skiing and building snowmen or having snowball fights.

What can a teen do outside for fun?

you can take a walk/jog/run go ice skating go swimming read a book in the sun

What are the best reasons to go swimming?

Some of the best reasons are: to get exercise its entertaining but these aren't the best reasons

where is the best place to go swimming?

The best place to go swimming would be at your local community pool. This will provide a safe guarded environment. If you are looking to try something more adventurous, look for a local lake that allows swimming, or perhaps head to the beach!