The big range is between 0 to world record, though many get in between 20 to 50 feet.
Dave was shot and killed to be put out of his misery.
That depends. If you throw it up into a tree then it will burst up high. If you throw it into the ground then it will burst low.
Tressa thompson
me personally I've thrown a 8lb shot put 25 feet.
I am above average but I am a sophomore going into junior year throwing 37 feet. But I think average is mid 20s. but if you are looking to get into this in college for a scholarship , you need to throw 42 ft. good luck
You could throw a javelin or a discus. There is also the hammer throw. You do not throw a shot put - you "put" the shot.
The average shot put throw for an 11 year old girl is around 5-7 meters. However, this can vary depending on the level of training and natural ability of the individual.
Men and Women both can throw shot put.
The shot put speed depends on the force behind the throw.
There are three throwing events in a decathlon:Shot PutDiscus ThrowJavelin Throw**It's important to note that shot put isn't referred to as a throw it is instead called a 'Put'. As if you were 'putting' something up in front of you with a lot of force. So you never throw a shot put, you instead put a shot.
A shot put is a heavy round ball (almost like a huge bullet) that is used in Track and Field. The athlete will take the shot put and throw it into the air. The person who throws it the farthest will get the most points and win.
if you dont work out at all then thats an average throw. usually in The mid 30s is a good average range.
Shot put is played where men have a 2 kg ball and have to throw it watch a youtube video
The first time I throw it.
I'm not sure what you are asking, but I have seen kids as young as 5 or 6 throw shot put and elderly people into their 90's throw shot put. The best shot putters in the world are probably in their late 20s to early 30's.