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That athlete is called a professional.

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Q: What is an athlete that gets paid?
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Athlete who gets paid?

anyone in the Olympics

Which kind of athlete gets paid the most?


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Who is the lowest paid athlete of 2011?

Italian volleyball player seveek de ' onivio he gets paid 150 dollars per game

Who is the highest paid athlete today?

Tiger Woods, He gets over $80 Million

Explain what a professional soccer player is?

A professional soccer player is a deticated athlete that gets paid to play on a team.

What do you know about the amount of funding Canadian summer Olympics athletes get from the government?

the amount an athlete gets is nothing. They do not get paid only if the athlete won a medal they get a certain amount of money

Is Michael schumacher the most well paid athlete?

No, Tiger Woods is the worlds highest paid athlete.

What name is given to a person who paid to take part in sports?

A paid athlete is consider a professional athlete.

What is an athlete that is not paid?

An amateur

Who is the world's most expensive sports player?

Tiger Woods is the most expensive athlete in the world. He gets paid 75 million a year.

What major league sport has the highest paid athlete who is he or she and what is he or she paid?

At the moment, Floyd Mayweather is the highest paid athlete, raking in $85 million in the sport of Boxing.