Football is #1. Basketball, handball, and Water Polo are also very popular.
Yes, Kabbadi is the national sport of India, I do not understand how you have mentioned field hockey as the national sport
Taxi driving
Kabbadi is the national sport in Bangladesh.
India has no official national sport according to the ministry of sports. However, as noted by Wikipedia, the de facto (unofficial) national sport is Field Hockey.
South Africa does not have a national sport. The most common sports are Rugby, Soccer and Cricket though none are officially a national sport.
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Christianity, Islam
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Football is the highest watched and voted their national sport
Hockey is the national winter sport, and lacrosse is the national summer sport.
Taekwondo is the national sport of Korea.
Cycling is the national sport of Luxembourg.
hockey is the national sport of Pakistan
The national sport is field hockey, but the most popular sport is cricket
the national summer sport of Canada is lacrosse