No, it was an original screenplay.
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what are the ethical principles
No. The 2008 Will Smith drama received no Academy Awards nominations.
The reference to 'pounds' in Seven PoundsThe reference is from "Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare. A "pound of flesh" is required for penance for wrongdoing. Seven people were killed in the car wreck that he feels he is responsible for, thus he owes seven pounds of flesh.Also, the director, Gabriele Muccino, stated when asked why the movie is named "Seven Pounds" that the weight of the script weighed seven pounds.
The movie you are looking for is 187. Great movie.
Dec 19th
The movie "Seven Pounds" was released in December 2008. It was directed by Gabriele Muccino and starred Will Smith.
No, it was an original screenplay.
Loving You
No, he sang for the 2009 movie 2012.
yes there is i believe. the movie i think had something to do with "Seven pounds." Ask some believers and bible readers; they will know.
See related links.
what are the ethical principles
turn your mobile off while driving
Purple Haze
His dick