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A slip cordon is a group of fielders playing the slip position on the field.

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Is le cordon bleu private?

i guess. i mean it should be. it depends on what you mean.

What does le cordon bleu mean?

Le cordon bleu is a french work meaning "the cookery" it is also a term used to describe a very talented cook. Cordon Bleu is also a french dish sold in many upscale restaurants.

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Brandon Cordon's birth name is Brandon Willis Cordon.

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Jose Cordon's birth name is Jose Alejandro Cordon.

What does 'a slip of the tongue' mean?

A 'a slip of the tongue' is when you say something that you did not mean to.

What does Le Cordon Bleu mean in English?

Le cordon bleu (the blue ribbon) is a term that came to mean an outstanding cook in French. In that sense it is now outdated. It is also the name of a recipe for a veal scallop stuffed with a slice of ham and hard cheese, breaded on the outside.

What is Brégnier-Cordon's population?

The population of Brégnier-Cordon is 746.

When was Paul de Cordon born?

Paul de Cordon was born in 1908.

When did Paul de Cordon die?

Paul de Cordon died in 1998.

When was Le Cordon Bleu created?

Le Cordon Bleu was created in 1578.

What is the area of Brégnier-Cordon?

The area of Brégnier-Cordon is 11.05 square kilometers.