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If this is in relation to Feb 08 Guns Magazine. Paladin is your man. The Chess piece on his holster was the uniqueness.

I don't remember if it was Have gun will travel with Paladin but there were two cowboy shows when I was growing up with unique holsters one swiveled and allowed him to shoot without drawing the pistol and the other one had a special holster for a larger gun almost like a cutoff rifle or shotgun and I think the TV show was called Wanted dead or Alive.

Steve McQueen stared in "Wanted Dead or Alive" and wore a cut off lever action rifle. You may be thinking of a movie with Dan Duryea. He wore a cowboy set-up right hand revolver. The unique feature was that the gun was mounted down his right leg so that he didn't have to raise his hand and draw from his waist. He was derided as wearing a 'Knee Gun' in the movie.

Clam shell holsters have appeared in several TV cowboy series but not worn by the main character.

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Q: What cowboy had a unique holster?
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