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The C with the 4 stars on Peyton Manning's Jersey means that he is the team captain. The stars represent how long he has been captain.
C b a c d c b g a b b c
The missing letter is T
Coal is a hard black rock. It begins with C.
C. Outline your value to a prospective employer.
it shows that they are captian of the team
"C" stands for Captain.....however, not all teams captains are wearing C's on their jerseys......this is new and some of the teams aren't up to speed and some teams choose not to use this system because they have different captains throughout the year. Tammy D.
If a player on an NFL team successfully stays as a captain for the four years which is necessary to achieve four gold stars under his Captain symbol (giant C) Then he will have earned a Gold C to signify what he has accomplished. For example, In the 2011-2012 Season, players have started to wear the Gold C due to being a Captain for four years. There has also been a rumor that the only way to get a Gold C is not just being a captain for Four years straight, you have to have taken you team to the playoffs within your four years as a captain.
ive never seen a hockey jersey with the letter D on it but I'm guesssing it means defenseman.the only letters you ever see consistently on hockey jerseys is C for Captain and A for Assistant Captain
The states in the U.S.A. that start with the letter "C" are California, Colorado, and Connecticut.
can't be tamed
The 'C' on a player's uniform denotes that the player is one of the captains of the team.It also depends on what year the jersey is from. Champion used to make NFL jerseys - the C is their logo. The NFL has since switched to Reebok - maybe a season or two ago?The "C" stands for "captain," and each captain is elected for a one-year term to be a captain. Not all captains have the "C" on their jersey, however, making it a little confusing. That's because a maximum of six players per team can wear the patch on their jerseys, and some teams like the Patriots for example have more than six (New England has seven and Tom Brady is actually the one who doesn't wear the patch). The four stars underneath each "C" logo represent are each filled in for every year a player fulfills his duties as captain, but they are not retroactive, so no one in the league actually had more than one star under his "C" during the 2007 season (when this started).It really means Cheerleader.
One thing about Chicago Cubs' jerseys is that they are mainly white with a red C as the logo. They also have different jerseys for home games and away games.
Actually there is no significant meaning to the 25 stars on the current NFL logo (1980-2007). However with the change to the logo due in 2008, the new logo will have 8 stars representing the eight AFC and NFC divisions. You can read more about the logo change at
Cyan- its a shade of blue chartreuse (a shade of green) celery
Looking at the player, the A or the C goes on the left.