Skills that start with the letter B:
"Break a leg (Good luck)", "Blood is thicker than water", "The ball is in your court", and "Beauty is only skin deep" are figures of speech. They begin with the letter b.
Can't think of one off hand, but the general term for animals that are adapted for desert living is Xerocole.
C b a c d c b g a b b c
That is from "The sound of music" from the song "Do-re-mi" ...only it's: "Let's start at the very beginning, It's a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A-B-C When you sing you begin with do-re-mi" Hope you're satisfied with the answer ;-)
There are black bears in Texas. They begin with the letter B.
A cat breed that starts with the letter "B" is Burmese.
Here are some compliments that begin with the letter B:BabeBeastBeautifulBelievableBig-heartedBodaciousBoldBrainyBraveBrazenBrightBrilliant
Mob and minicab are words that begin with the letter m and end with b.
Banjo is a musical instrument. It begins with the letter B.
Asian states that begin with the letter B:Bihar, India
Some animals with names that begin with the letter B are: * bear * buffalo * bald eagle * badger * blue whale
building things