the gengre is a Realistic Fiction
sean stephen seamous
It is about a girl from china, with a wealthy family, and her father decides to take her, her mother and a couple of other people to America during the year of the boar(1947). during this time she has to pick a name and she wants it to be American. her name results as Shirley Temple, a well known American actress, but while she is in Bronx, Newyork, Jackie Robinson is playing baseball during the year of the boar. Sorry cant tell you more if you wanna know you are going got have to look it up, or read the book your self. hope this answer helped in a way
his lesson was that things arent always what they seam
Yes, Maoris were allow to server, during the Boar War.
he dies
i am not telling
A bird takes walks
In the book "In The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson" Jackie Robinson did receive a key from Shirley in the book but did not receive one in reality
The main antagonist in "In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson" is prejudice and discrimination faced by the protagonist, Shirley Temple Wong, as she tries to adjust to life in America and pursue her love for baseball and Jackie Robinson.
Chapter 11: The Wongs forget about the Festival of the Full Moon but grandfather sends mooncakes to remind them.
to go to see the dodgers ( and of course jackie robinson) play baseball
SHIRLEY found a boar in Jackie Robeson's back yard she took it to her back yard and had a party! know she is hiding it from her foster mom. the funniest thing the boar did is it pooped on Shirley's new party dress know they are no longer BFFS.
figuar it out
the gengre is a Realistic Fiction
why did Emily and Shirley become friends