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French culture has had a marked influence on the Western world, especially in the arts and letters. Ever since the Middle Ages, France and its main city Paris have been key centers in Europe's blooming culture. France's wealthy monarchy drew many commissioned artists, craftsmen and architects to what we know today as the City of Lights. French styles regarding the arts, architecture, design, dress and etiquette developed and flourished and some persist even to this day. The French film industry has also had an increasing role in the past century, producing important cultural works.

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14y ago
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14y ago

A really big tradition in France is Christmas. The French celebrate it from November 6th to January 11th and there are always lots of big feasts and other things to do. There are also many other holidays in France that we Americans celebrate.

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15y ago

Bastille day, celebrated on July 14, is one of Frances most colorful traditions. It commemorates the day The Bastille, a prison in Paris, was stormed and pillaged by angry mobs in 1789. Many fire works are set of as the day goes on and parades are seen with dancing in the streets. Also employees are entitled to 5 weeks of vacation a year. August is the traditional holiday month, when local clear out and generally go camping in their countryside house. For those taking their vacation in the winter, skiing in the French Alps is the way to go.

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15y ago

Kissing air cheek when you meet people (women)

men just shake hands! (with other men..and kiss women)

women kiss both when meeting (amount of times kissed = the relationship between people -family/close friend, stranger, aquaintance ect (2-5)

saying bonjour when walking into a place which provides a service, shop, any business ect.

When speaking in French you can only say 'tu' when you know the person well, otherwise you say vous (you). Around Paris: people take annual leave for close to the whole month of august (it says fermeture annuelle - 'annual closure' on doors serving notice)

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10y ago

Culture is a set of beliefs that we learn from the group of people we live with. Cultural traditions of France are: Language; French, Religion; Catholicism/ Islam/ Judaism/ Buddhism. Recently divorce rate is increasing, tradition of extended family is reduced to nuclear family system. Same sex marriage has become legal.

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14y ago

I don't know a lot, but I do know that the French are very traditional. The divorce rate's lower in France, because they're much more family orientated. The difference between itself and cultures like ours, is that they celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day. They have a traditional French meal (including snails, and foie gras, and oysters etc) on this day, and exchange presents.

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10y ago

There are many traditions of France. Some of these include May Day, Bastille Day, as well as the Epiphany (celebrated on January 5th).

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12y ago

i cant find any traditions for France HELP

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15y ago

bad things

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