Track Events:
In running relay races a baton is needed, starting blocks, a gun (or other instrument to commence races) and good supportive, running shoes - preferably, properly spiked track shoes.
Hurdles of different sizes for different age and sex are used in the hurdle events.
The "steeplechase" event also has water traps, etc placed around the track.
Field Events:
- Jumping:
- The Long and Triple jump events have a runway and a sand pit in which to land.
- High jump requires a cross bar to jump over, two upright supports with measurements on them to hold the bar in place and some large, soft landing bags.
- The pole vault event is set up similarly, but a much higher bar set up and much more landing protection. Most importantly, it uses a long pole and a dugout 'jam' in which to jam the pole for stable 'lift-off'!
- Throwing:
All throwing events use different sizes and weights of throwing implements, depending on age and sex.
- The shot put uses a heavy metallic ball, called, 'the shot' and must be thrown from within a small circle marked out - roughly 7'6" in diameter.
- The javelin is a long spear-like implement that is thrown from a runway. Different weights and sizes are also used in this event, depending on age and sex.
- The discus is a weighted disc shaped implement. It is also thrown from within a restricting circle, just over 9 feet in diameter.
- The hammer throw uses a "hammer", which is a metallic weight at the end of a stiff wire arrangement having a 'grip' on it. It is also thrown from within a ring much like the discus.
This depends on the event but there are hurdles, a track, long/triple jump pit (a runway with lines across it that leads up to a sand pit), a high jump apron (the area where they do the high jump), a high jump mat (the mat you jump onto), a pole to jump over for the high jump, a stand to hold this pole up, shot put balls, discusses, possibly a javelin, stop watches, relay batons, possibly steeplechase barriers and water pits, and of course sneakers.
How is skin used in running track (What the #@%$* do you mean)
There is Golden Gate Fields, which is a horse racing track, but that is in Oakland, which is not far from San Francisco.
I think they said on the commentary track of the Karate Kid DVD that she is a limo driver now.
urinary track infection, pneumonia,
to grip the track and give you more traction
Track and fields
no steroids
Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.Well, life itself certainly did not change when Roman numerals began to be used, but it did make counting and keeping track of things a lot easier.
Technical writing is used in a variety of technical and occupation fields.
Track platipi, Track cacti, Track beavers, Track aliens, Track YOU...
As the name implies, they are used to identify things. The things identified may include variables, methods, classes, fields, and probably a few more types of items.
probaly around the time of the Greeks or Romans
They used it to calculate the amount of things that are sold, the amount of things that are bought, the prices of things bought and sold, and the amount and price of land in farm fields.
4 laps if it's a regular 400m track. Like the track at football fields you see in high school.
Golden Gate Fields is an American horse racing track located along the shoreline of San Francisco Bay in California. This track straddles the cities of Albany and Berkeley and it is the only major racetrack in Northern California.
Computers are used by doctors to keep track of records and organize data. They are also used to research things and answer questions some people may have.
Google code is used to track your browsing and take note of your interests. This is used to help advertisers try to sell you things that you might have an interest in.