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Emerging democracies

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Q: Poland Mexico and south Africa are examples of what?
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What type of democracies are Poland Mexico and south Africa examples of?

Gas the jews.

South Africa vs Mexico who won?

Draw South Africa 1 - 1 Mexico

A player from Mexico and a player from South Africa?

Steven Pienaar (South Africa) and Carlos Vela (Mexico).

Is Mexico farther south in latitude than Venezuela south Africa and India?

Mexico is north of Venezuala. South Africa is much further south than Mexico. India is neither north or south of Mexico; it is far to the west of Mexico.

Who scored the goals in South Africa v Mexico?

Siphiwe Tshabalala (South Africa) Rafael Marquez (Mexico)

Who is better at football out of South Africa and Mexico?

Mexico is.

Is lesotho in Poland?

Hardly. Lesotho is in South Africa while Poland is in Eastern Europe.

Which country is further south in latitude Mexico Venezuela South Africa or India?

South Africa

What makes a market an emerging market?

What makes a market an emerging market is that it is faster becoming divers of global growth which does mean it includes Mexico, Argentina, Turkey, Poland, South Africa, and South Korea.

What group is South Africa in the FIFA World Cup 2010?

South Africa is in Group A. Group A: Uruguay, Mexico, South Africa, France.

British control over south Africa French control over indochina and spanish control over Mexico are examples of?

European Imperialism qualifies as such.

Who scored the first goal in the 2010 world cup?

It was the South African. S. Stabashala., in their game verses Mexico, but Marquez equalized for Mexico.