Emma's real name is Peyton Roi List.
Peyton Manning weighs 230 pounds.
Peyton Manning's birthday is March 24th.
No, he did not. Peyton Manning is still the quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts.
Peyton Manning still lives in Inglewood Colorado
no. Peyton may be a Colt, but he is a saint at heart
Peyton and Eli Manning, and their father is Archie Manning, a former saint.
Peyton who? Peyton Manning? Peyton Manning was born in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Peyton is how you say Peyton in Spanish.
Emma's real name is Peyton Roi List.
Which Peyton? Peyton in One tree Hill? Sawyer Peyton Manning? Peyton List? Or did you mean one of the Peyton's ^ up there, there middle name?
Archie Manning (Peyton's father) and Eli (Peyton's brother) were in Sigma Nu, but Peyton was not in a fraternity.
Peyton Manning is straight.
Walter Peyton
"My name is Peyton" is Mon nom est Peyton