sachin is the best Indian batsman ever. He is also rated as the second greatest batsman of altime after the great sir don bradman. In a country like India cricket is a religion sachin is God. Most of the people in India don't know the prime minister but know who sachin ramesh tendulker.
sachin tendulkar is technically indias best batsman currentley.
Sachin Tendulka.
Sachin Tendulkar (India).
Sachin's role..? He is the savior of Indian cricket team.
sachin is the best Indian batsman ever. He is also rated as the second greatest batsman of altime after the great sir don bradman. In a country like India cricket is a religion sachin is God. Most of the people in India don't know the prime minister but know who sachin ramesh tendulker.
sachin is the best batsman ever born
sachin tendulkar
sachin tendulkar is technically indias best batsman currentley.
Sachin Tendulker
a very easy question and one that every Indian would love to answer... Its Sachin Tendulkar - The world's best (cricket) batsman
Sachin Tendulkarvs South africa.
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar
it would be sachin tendulker in this era
Sachin Tendulkar without doubt
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (India)