Ancient India influeneced us by Budhismand it created gender sex
England improved India but treated Indian inhumane. Britishers created Law system in India, they started uo with the taxation system etc.
Comparitive Study It Means That Farming Is Done In INDIA And USA In Different Ways In INDIA We Practice Agriculture In Different Ways In USA Agriculture Is Also Done But In Different Way.In India Farms Are Small Like 2 Or 3 Hectares.In USA Farms Are Big As 250 Hectares.
in what ways can professional ethics in mental health improved?
Ancient India influeneced us by Budhismand it created gender sex
How can India be improved? when everybody will start improving himself
You open the windows. -That is one of the many ways cars have improved over the years.
Transportation was improved by building railroads.
Many ways that are beyond imagination.
civilizations of india are ways they do something
Science has improved health care by discovering new ways too cure conditions and better ways too repair broken flesh/organs/bones.
England improved India but treated Indian inhumane. Britishers created Law system in India, they started uo with the taxation system etc.
because it gave us vitamans