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Q: In 1853 a 24-year-old European immigrant arrived in San Francisco with some canvas and dry goods to sell 'round the world Who was he?
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What were some challenges the immigrant faced when they arrived in the US of America?

I wood like to no that 2

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Why did most members of US immigrant families have to get jobs?

Because they arrived with no funds and there was no social security.

How did the arrival of east European immigrants change American culture?

As more and more American and immigrant settlers arrived in the west, the culture changed from a more pioneering and nomadic lifestyle to a much more settled lifestyle. The Midwest saw large immigrant populations of Germans move in with about half settling down as farmers and the other half as craftsmen in urban areas such as Chicago.

Who arrived later in Puerto Rico?

immigrant's the person who found puerto rico was columbus, while on his second voyage

What was the land like when francisco pizarro arrived?

empty hardly no people

What was the first stop in America for the immigrant family in the book ''The Jungle''?

The first stop for the immigrant family in ''The Jungle'' was Chicago, Illinois. They arrived at the stockyards looking for jobs and opportunities in America.

Where did Irish immigrant arrived in the US?

They would have arrived in different places, most notably Ellis Island. In more modern times they would have flown into different cities around the USA.

What a challenge faced by Chinese immigrants who arrived in San Francisco Bay?

A big challenge faced by Chinese immigrants who arrived in San Francisco Bay was the language barrier. The Chinese had to seek out other Chinese to communicate.

What was the challenge faced by Chinese immigrants who arrived in San Francisco bay?

A big challenge faced by Chinese immigrants who arrived in San Francisco Bay was the language barrier. The Chinese had to seek out other Chinese to communicate.

During the late 19Th and early 20Th centuries the majority of immigrants who arrived in the US?

were subject to anti-immigrant prejudice