Boondocks is an animated film by Aaron McGruder. The main characters are Huey Freeman ( which is 10 and a retired terrorist), Riley Freeman ( an 8 year old boy), and their granddad Robert Freeman. They all moved from Chicago to Woodcrest. To check out more info or even watch full episodes go to and type in either TheProgramPirate or chadbdurham. They have goo full episodes of the boondocks. ( this is if you don't know them very well).
He was 41 when he retired because he was born in 1930 and retired in 1941
Cathy Barcheski is 5' 7".
No, Morgan Freeman is not single.
Mary Martin played in peter pan in the year 1960.
Yes, she has retired on the 15th of July,2003
none, she is retired
As of her birthday on February 16, 2017, Cathy Freeman was 44 years old.
Cathy Freeman won zero medals at the 2010 Commonwealth Games because she retired a few years earlier.
38 yrs old
No cathy freeman is not the youngest.
Cathy Freeman's height is 1m64
Cathy Freeman has a boyfriend yuk!!
yes Cathy freeman is aboriganal
Cathy Freeman won young Australian of the year in 1990 and won the gold medal twice in 1990 and again in 1994. She won Australian of the year once more and retired in 1994.
Cathy Freeman childhood was really harsh.