All Stevens Model 94 singleshot .410s seem to range from $75 to $150, regardless of the exact letter with the model. Condition is the real determining factor.
as much as somebody will pay!
i have a 1970 model of the coin please tell me how much it is worth e-mail me at
Theres no way of knowing. I have the exact same model. It's at least 35 years old and still works like new. I plan to keep mine forever.
how much is the element sr worth
The Dickson Commander appears to be the same basic gun as the RG model 40, built by Rohm in Germany. Probably worth about $100-$120 in VG condition.
How much is a model 940 worth
The savage/stevens model 94 single shot,shotgun is worth between 40-95 dollars.
The Western Field model 30 shotgun is a Stevens model 520 shotgun that was made for Montgomery Wards.The value of a Stevens model 520 slide action shotgun is between 75-120 dollars on today,s market.
@ 100 USD
Used bout 80$
How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ? How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ? How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ?
50-200 USD
$85 to $156 depending on condition
100 USD
They cost what you pay for them.