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The average player in the NFL makes between $300,000 - $600,000 a year. Contrary to popular belief, most NFL players are not signed to the lucrative multi-million dollar contracts that NFL superstars receive. Many players make league minimum. The minimum salaray in the NFL is different for some positions; also, the base salary increases the longer a player remains in the league. Therefore, it is cheaper to replace an aging player who makes league minimum with a rookie at the same position.

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like anyone else. but at the end of the year

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To much simple answer

How much can a NFL player make?

There's no limit to what an NFL team can pay a player, but the highest paid players are near twenty million per year.

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One example; Tom Brady (Patriots) last season earned $10million (a year)

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You might be thinking Necessary Roughness? She gets paid a lot. But in July 2009 the average salary for a sport's therapist was $74,000 (year).

Do NFL players only get paid during the season or are they paid all year long?

NFL players aren't paid like the rest of us. Whatever our salary is gets spread out over a 52-week year, usually with a paycheck every two weeks. NFL players get paid per game, with their last game check coming two weeks after the season ends.

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It depends. Some players in the nfl are paid higher than the players in the mlb. Some players in the mlb are higher paid than players in the nfl. It all depends on the player.

What do NFL players make?

If your talking about how much money they make, NFL players can earn as much as 3 million dollars a year, more if they win the super bowl.

What do NFL practice squad players get paid?

They get paid $5,000 a week