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Q: How many teens drink in Canada?
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How many teens died in the year 2008 from drinking and driving?

it very sad but 10,987,095 teens died from drink driving it very sad but 10,987,095 teens died from drink driving

On an average how many soft drink do teens drink a day?

enough to put down a rhino

How many teens runaway per year in Canada?


How many teens get in drinking accidents?

Don't drink and this wont happen.

Do more teens drink alcohol because their parents do?

Teens drink because of pressure they get from freinds and family

What are reasons that teens should not drink alcohol?

no teens shouldn't drink alcohol because it can lead to miss behavior and agresion

What is the possibility that teens drink alcohol?

in my personal opinion, 100%. but there are defiantly more teens that drink alcohol that those who don't.

How do teens get their sperms out to drink them?

they masterbait

How many people in Canada are drink underage?


Why aren't teens allowed to drink?

Because most teens are not responsible or mature

Where can i find facts about teen alcoholism?

Some teens drink. Some teens get drunk. Some teens die.