Gk - goal keeper
gd - goal attack
wd - wing defence
c - center
wa - wing attack
ga - goal attack
gs - goal shooter
Yes, there is actually. They're really good.
Silver Fern, also the name of their netball team
12 people
Its 12 players per team
netball scores are people who keep track of how many goals each team scores ;)
in netball max you are allowed to have 11 people.
it depends on how many are on the team. you can have up to 12 people on a team but only 7 people on court.
In netball one team has 7 players so in a full game of netball there are always 14 people on court and usually 2 subs for each team.
there are allowed to be 7 people on the court at once but 10 people on a team
Yes, Netball is a team game.
boys can't play in girls netball teams unless it is a mix team.
The best netball team is the swifts
There are 7 players on a netball team; C, WA, GA, GS, WD, GD, GK Hope that helps:)