The Port of Vancouver Canada is the country's busiest Port followed by Halifax and Montreal.
From Birmingham Al to Vancouver, BC is approximately 2,810 road miles.
1267 miles according to Google maps
It is 1,391 miles according to Google Maps.
From Halifax to Vancouver is 3804.95 miles
Just over 3800 miles
It is 3860 miles.
The total driving distance from Halifax, Canada to Vancouver, Canada is 3,803 miles or 6120 kilometers.
The driving distance from Halifax, Canada to Vancouver, Canada is about 6120 km
10 hours
There are 3 time zones
They are both the same distance from Halifax. They are at a meeting point. Try drawing it out if that will help ;)
how many miles of bike paths in Vancouver
how many miles are between Vancouver and Jasper
The distance from Burlington, Vermont to Halifax, Nova Scotia is approximately 400 miles when driving.
235 miles