Typically the train departing Brussels Midi at 1125 hours daily is scheduled to arrive at Amsterdam Central at 1406 on same day. All trains between the two cities stop at Antwerp, Rotterdam, The Hague and Schiphol en route.
In time you can travel by train in 5 hours and 40 minutes from Amsterdam Central to Luxembourg. You have to change trainsin Brussels North.
9 and 1/2 hours
It takes about 6.5 hours to reach Berlin by train when traveling from Amsterdam.
Around about 6h25.
How long will it take to get to Amsterdam from new york on a boat
From 1,5 to 2 hours, depending on which city in Denmark you mean. 1,5 if Billund, 2 if Copenhagen (the capital).
about 2 days
7 hours
9 and 1/2 hours
It takes about 6.5 hours to reach Berlin by train when traveling from Amsterdam.
6 hours and 45 mins via train
Around about 6h25.
How long will it take to get to Amsterdam from new york on a boat
Amsterdam has only one main station, "Amsterdam Centraal". All long-distance trains depart from there.
From 1,5 to 2 hours, depending on which city in Denmark you mean. 1,5 if Billund, 2 if Copenhagen (the capital).
Yes, the 16 km long combined Oresund bridge&tunnel is connecting Swedens 3rd largest city, Malmö, to Denmark's Capital, Copenhagen.
Thanks About 4 hours
18-22 hrs