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325 feet

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Q: How far is it from home plate to the left field fence at Progressive Field?
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How far is the fence at cooperstown all-star village?

The distance from home plate to the outfield fence at Cooperstown All-Star Village varies by field. Field 1 has a distance of 205 feet to the left field fence, 240 feet to the center field fence, and 200 feet to the right field fence. Field 2 has a distance of 196 feet to the left field fence, 226 feet to the center field fence, and 172 feet to the right field fence.

How many yards from center field fence to home plate is it?

Depends on the field in question. There is no standard.

How far is it from Home plate to the center field fence at the HHH Metrodome?

408 feet

How far away is homebase to center field fence?

It depends on the specific baseball field you are referring to. The distance from home plate to the center field fence can vary between 400 to 440 feet in most Major League Baseball (MLB) stadiums.

What baseball stadium has the longest distance from home plate to the fence?

Safeco field in Seattle, WA

What is the length of a baseball field?

The length of a standard baseball field is approximately 90-95 meters (300-330 feet) from home plate to the outfield fence.

The distance from home plate to the post in softball?

The difference from home plate to the foul posts on each field vary. Some fences are farther away, some fences are higher. In some cases, the fences in right field are much closer than the fence in left, or vice versa. It all depends on the specific field you are playing on.

What is the dimentions of the baseball field?

Official fields use 90ft baselines and 60ft6in from the pitchers mound to home plate. The fence distance is determined by the team.

How big is a baseball pitch?

A pitch is a throw. If you mean field or diamond it depends on what age group. Major league fields can go from about 200 ft from home plate to center field fence to 400 ft. It all depends on the which field.

What are the dimmensions of a little league field?

pitchers mound - home plate= 46 feet distance between bases=60 feet fence =about 200 feet

You read in 1958 the rules were changed that left and right field foul poles should not be less than 325 from home plate?

Yes, that is Rule 1.04(a) which reads: "Any Playing Field constructed by a professional club after June 1, 1958, shall provide a minimum distance of 325 feet from home base to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction on the right and left field foul lines, and a minimum distance of 400 feet to the center field fence."

What is the largest baseball park?

If you are referring to the distance from home plate to the center field fence. It would be Minute Maid park In Houston Texas, home of the Houston Astros.