Neil- e before i because if the i was before the e it would say ni-el. With the e it says ne-il. Neil rhymes with ill.
You're spelling is correct.
No, Neil Armstrong was an astronaut.
No, Neil Armstrong and Louis Armstrong were not related.No. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon but Louis Armstrong was a famous musician.
Neil Armstrong name is Neil Alden Armstrong.
Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. He did not immigrate there.
Neil Armstrong.
You're spelling is correct.
Neil Armstrong's country is the U.S.
No, Neil Armstrong is not single.
No, Neil Armstrong was an astronaut.
neil armstrong
Armstrong - his full name is Neil Alden Armstrong
No, Neil Armstrong and Louis Armstrong were not related.No. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon but Louis Armstrong was a famous musician.
neil Armstrong rocks
No. Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio.
Mr Neil armstrong is from the U.S.A.
Neil Armstrong's family is from Ohio in the United States. Armstrong himself was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio.