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A sharp (not necessarily loud) noise can deter the kittens actions, too. Anything that distracts them ...

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Q: How do you discipline a kitten besides spraying with water bottle?
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What are the release dates for Kitten in a Cage - 1968?

Kitten in a Cage - 1968 was released on: USA: June 1968

What are the release dates for Grandfather and the Kitten - 1907?

Grandfather and the Kitten - 1907 was released on: USA: November 1907

Does Kitten like Robin from Teen Titans?

Kitten likes Robin but Robin doesn't like her back.

What was the kitten's name in Pinoccho?

In the 1940 Disney movie the cat's name is Figaro

A baby lion is a kitten not a cub?

A baby African or Asiatic lion is referred to as a cub. A baby mountain lion is referred to as a kitten.

Related questions

Does neutering kittens early prevent spraying?

Yes! A kitten that has been neutered before reaching sexual maturity (often around six months old) and begun spraying, prevents the kitten from developing the need to spray at all.

Can you bottle feed a newborn kitten?


Why does a mother cat bite her kitten's neck?

A mother cat bites her kitten's neck to carry them, discipline them, or stimulate them to nurse.

What does it mean when a newborn kitten sucks on your finger?

the kitten is mistaking ur finger 4 a nipple or bottle

How do you hold the kitten to let them drink from a bottle?

like a baby

Why is the mom cat hissing at the kitten?

The mom cat is hissing at the kitten to establish dominance, protect her territory, or discipline the kitten for misbehaving. Hissing is a way for cats to communicate their boundaries and assert their authority.

Can you give your kitten purina cat food?

It depends on the age. If your cat is under 4 weeks, NO. A big fat NO. You can give a kitten purina kitten chow once it is weaned. If the kitten is 4 weeks or under, it will need KMR. (Kitten milk replacer) It should be fed with a bottle intended for nursing kittens, NOT a baby bottle with a baby nipple.

Why is an older cat pinning a kitten down?

An older cat may pin down a kitten to establish dominance or discipline the kitten for inappropriate behavior. This behavior is a way for the older cat to assert its authority and teach the kitten proper social boundaries.

How many months does a kitten should be taken care?

feed it from a bottle use milk warm milk and keep the kitten warm

Why is the mom cat hissing at her 4-month old kitten?

The mom cat may be hissing at her 4-month old kitten to establish boundaries, discipline the kitten, or protect her territory. Hissing is a way for the mom cat to communicate with her kitten and teach it proper behavior.

Which food is used to feed youngly born kitten?

A kitten milk bottle with special milk just for kittens (in liquid or powder mix).

What can you feed a 6 day old kitten who has no mother?

KMR or kitten milk replacer ring a vet and ask for some you will need to bottle feed it