well bottles affect the ocean because the bottle(s) just sit in the ocean and get stuck on animals and soon it kills them
No, as a matter of fact it helps the invirement.
yes they do especially bitters bottles and milk bottles also whiskey bottles.....its good to keep every old bottle you find and do research on it and see how much its worth.
because the ocean currents circulate heat as well as moisture along the coasts, therefore, all of the major deserts that we see, are well away from the major oceans
Disposable beverage containers, like water bottles, soda bottles/cans, milk jugs, juice jugs, wine bottles, etc.
5 bottles to 4 cans
Yes of course
Because of the plastic gyre the size of Texas in the pacific ocean
People may throw plastic bottles in the ocean due to ignorance about the harmful impact it has on marine life and ecosystems. Lack of awareness about proper waste disposal methods and convenience can also contribute to this behavior. Additionally, some individuals may not realize the extent of pollution caused by plastic waste in the ocean.
Whiskey does not break down plastic water bottles. However, storing whiskey in plastic bottles for prolonged periods may affect the taste and quality of the whiskey due to the interaction between the alcohol and the plastic. It is generally recommended to store whiskey in glass bottles to maintain its flavor and integrity.
Plastic bottles are mostly recyclable
yes. it's called the bottle-nosed dolphin sea
Most plastic bottles are a mix of new and recycled plastic.
plastic water bottles fill up our land fill and get dumped into our oceans rivers and forests which is pollution and harm to our environmentit affects the environment because you recycle it not throw it in the trash
they are better for enviroment because they last longer than plastic and are not thrown away as aften as plastic bottles
Most recycled plastic bottles are recycled into... plastic bottles, especially PET plastic, the one with the Number 1 in the triangle. Other kinds of plastic bottles can be again made into similar plastic bottles, or they can be "downcycled", that is, combined with other plastics to make things like garbage bins and garden furniture.
Well, plastic is made from used plastic bottles so I guess that they want to recycle.
Milk bottles have clouded plastic because that type of plastic is stronger than others.