San Francisco, CA (SFO) to Kingston (KIN)
Shortest Flight Duration * 9 hours 55 mins * Via Miami International Apt, Miami (MIA)
This depends on the origin city in Jamaica. Montego Bay (MBJ) to Toronto, ON (YTO) Shortest Flight Duration: 4 hours 0 mins
how many flight hours from Togo west to vancouver, bc
The flying time is 3 hours 12 minutes average passenger airliner Melbourne, Australia to Wellington NZ
Three hours. If it was 3 pm in Vancouver it would be 6 pm in Montreal.
The flight times varies according to the speed of the flight. If the flight is flying at a faster speed then the times may change. We are providing you with standard flight timings. The flight time for the above mentioned trip is.6hours0 mins
From Van. to Venice, with 2 stops, one in Calagary and the other in Frankfurt, 14 hours and 40 mins. The return is 13 hours and 5 minutes.
please calculate air flight time between Vancouver and phjoenix Arizona
The flight time from Jamaica to Trinidad and Tobago is: 2 hours, 55 minutes
The flight time from Texas (TX) to Jamaica is:3 hours, 35 minutes
The flight time is 8 hours.
1 hour
The flight time from Norfolk, Virginia to Montego Bay, Jamaica is 3 hours, 2 minutes.
The flight time from Vancouver BC, Canada to Athens, Greece is 12 hours and 11 minutes.
The flight time is 5 hours, 11 minutes.
The flight time from Jamaica to Dominica is approximately 2 hours and 41 minutes. The exact travel time depends on factors such as weather conditions and delays.
Approximate flight duration time from Edmonton to Kingston (Jamaica) is:6 hrs, 30 mins
10hr 40min Shanghai Pu Dong (PVG) to Vancouver (YVR) by a nonstop flight operated by China Eastern Airlines.
The flight time is about 3 hours.