The birth date of Jackie Robinson is January 31, 1919.He was born in Cairo, Georgia. He died October 24, 1972 in Stamford, Connecticut. He had three children.
Jackie Robinson's mother was Mallie Robinson.
January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia.
Jackie Robinson was married to Rachel Isum Robinson. The two had three children.
1. when was jackie robinson born ? / the answer is: January 31, 19192. when did jackie robinson died ? / the answer is: October 24, 19723. when did jackie robinson got married ? / the answer is : February 10, 1946,4. when did jackie robinson have kids ? / the answer is :Jackie Robinson Jr, born on November 18, 1946, Sharon Robinson born on January 13, 19505. was jackie robinson african american ? / the answer is : yes
Jack Roosevelt Robinson
Jack Roosevelt Robinson
malie and jerry Robinson
His full name was Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson.
courage, bravery, and hope
jackie robinson
The birth date of Jackie Robinson is January 31, 1919.He was born in Cairo, Georgia. He died October 24, 1972 in Stamford, Connecticut. He had three children.
Cairo, Georgia on January 31, 1919.
january 31, 1919 in cairo,ga
Jackie Robinson's mother was Mallie Robinson.
Jackie Robinson's mother was Mallie Robinson.