Yes, you can.
NO you can only join the military at the ages of 17(with a parents permission)-36 years of age.
Yes, but it all depends on the severity of the crime you commit, felons aren't allowed in, and there is possibility to get a waiver to let you join the military as well.
The Great Gazoo debuted October 29, 1965 .
Yes age limit is 34 and the navy is a little older
yes, go to the military base and then select join military career
There is no reason why they can't join the military
Generally if they can graduate from high school, they can join the military.
A minor can only join the military with the permission of their parents and must be at least 17. An 18 year old can join the military on their own.
people join the military when they are at least 18 years and up and when you are a u.s. citizen people join the military when they are at least 18 years and up and when you are a u.s. citizen
The cast of Join the Military - 2006 includes: Wade Randolph
There is not a minimum number of children someone must have in order to join the military.
As of 2011, gay people can freely join the US military and do not have to hide their orientation.
No, you have to get a buzz cut thing if you join the military.
Easy...join the military dummy.
yes the marine cut off age is 29 navy i believe is 29 and airforce is 28 but the army age cut off is 43 with a former military back round