generally indoor times are slower because indoor tracks are smaller. this means that you must complete more circuits to get the same distance on an indoor track. so, there are more turns to run, which slows people down.
Puberty tends to come at an earlier age now than in the 1800s.
The Millennium Falcon can go .5 faster than light speed, which is 390,365,697,829 metres per second
The first indoor movie theater with more than one screen actually opened in Los Angeles. It was 1937 and it was the Alhambra Theater.
The Road Runner can run for a longer period of time whereas Speedy Gonzales can run faster but for shorter periods of time . (It depends upon the opponent because the two are faster than their antagonist .)
The indoor shot is the same weight as the outdoor shot but the indoor shot is bigger in size than the outdoor shot. Hope this helps!
nothing besides outdoor ones will look older and more dirty as indoor will look new. and outdoor is outside and indoor is inside.
I think indoor will grow better.
Outdoor heaters need to be safe with different types of weather, so they would be different than indoor heaters. They are both effective, but never use an indoor heater outdoors.
Usually outdoor dining sets are less expensive than indoor dinning sets. They can, however, be just as expensive.
Outdoor games rule. You get fresh air and lots of space!
indoor cats yes, outdoor cats **** no.
the indoor malls usully close first because of weather or daylight issues
no idea can someone tell me?
"This depends on your location,neighborhood,and a number of other personal circumstances. If you're looking for a spa to have longevity and privacy, the indoor spa is for you. If you enjoy the breeze,have a privacy fence, or looking at cutting expenses the outdoor spa is for you."
Indoor pool use less chlorine due to the fact that they are not subject to sunlight. Sunlight is the biggest killer of chlorine in pools. That is why you will use more chlorine in an outdoor pool in June and July because those are the months with the most sunlight. The other factor to take into consideration is bather load, whether an indoor or an outdoor pool.
Both indoor and outdoor air pollution have serious health risks, but the greatest danger depends on individual circumstances. Outdoor pollution can affect a larger population, while indoor pollution may have a more direct impact on individuals due to prolonged exposure to indoor toxins. In general, both types of pollution should be addressed to protect human health and the environment.