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Published documents should be accurate and error-free. Poorly written, inaccurate documents reflect badly on the writer and the business associated with the article. When a document has inaccuracies, the reader tends to distrust the entire article, including statistics, opinions, and facts.

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Q: Why should documents for publishing should be accurate and error free?
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Your last name is misspelled on the masslandrecord website but it is spelled correctly on the deed mortgage etc. What should you do?

If the name is spelled correctly in the documents and the error was made by the Registry of Deeds when they entered the information into the records you should bring the error to their attention and insist it be corrected. If you received the originals back then take them to the Registry so the name spelling can be checked. When the Registry makes an error indexing recorded instruments that can cause serious problems when those documents are not able to be "picked up" under the spelling of the grantor's name. The error can be corrected in the computer.If the error was made by the entity that drafted the documents then a scrivener's affidavit should be recorded or, if the error is serious enough, corrective documents should be recorded.

What does Error free documents mean?

it means that there is defently no errors in this documents

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The name of the borrower should be correctly stated on the loan documents. It should match the name of the owner of the property that is being financed. The borrower should not sign another name because of the lender's error. That would make the error worse.

A high percent error means that your results was not very?

The answer is Accurate

Is Accurate information error free?

yes it is

What explains how accurate a poll is?

Margin of Error

Why is zero error not considered in spherometer?

No, you have not any knowledge about spherometer. In spherometer also, similar to other measuring instruments zero error should be considered every time; in order to achieve accurate value.

Why should a scientist compare observations?

Any single observation may or may not be accurate. If you compare observations you can reduce the chance of observational error.

A person who types letter?

A typist is a person who types letters or documents using a typewriter or computer keyboard. They are skilled in accurate and efficient typing to produce error-free written materials.

What are the two factors affects accurate measurement?

Calibration error and measurement error. Also, if the measurements are of different objects there may be random error.

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What to do when the red error shows up on rarebot?

go to documents and delete the script and then try it