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Aryton Senna

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Q: Why is motor racing popular in Brazil?
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Related questions

Where did motor racing come from?

Motor racing or auto racing actually originated from France. However, it is now known as one of the most popular American sports.

What are Brazil most popular sports?

Soccer,swimming,basketball,volleyball,Racing,atletism,handball and other racing like games.

What are the popular sports in the philippines?

Basketball and boxing are most popular but other sports like volleyball,football,swimming,horse racing,motor racing are also appreciated.

When did X Motor Racing happen?

X Motor Racing happened in 2007.

When was Motor Racing Network created?

Motor Racing Network was created in 1970.

When did Mini Motor Racing happen?

Mini Motor Racing happened in 2011.

When was X Motor Racing created?

X Motor Racing was created on 2011-10-14.

When was Mini Motor Racing created?

Mini Motor Racing was created on 2011-12-08.

When was Classic British Motor Racing created?

Classic British Motor Racing was created in 2006.

When did Classic British Motor Racing happen?

Classic British Motor Racing happened in 2006.

What is the best motor?

i would say the racing motor

When was Buenos Aires Grand Prix - motor racing - created?

Buenos Aires Grand Prix - motor racing - was created in 1930.