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Quote *there are many little dangers but the biggest ones is crash or getting ran over*

Crashing isn't always dangerous actually believe it or not you learn from your crashes making you better. Yeah getting ran over can be dangerous, But the biggest dangers are getting landed on and coming up short on a triple or double(caseing it), and casing a jump can lead to broken bones.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Broken bones, Sprains, Fractures, Burns, and DEATH. Dont forget parelzing we wont forget Ernesto Fonsega Whoa, i do Motocross and it made me think of all the dangers in motocross. Nah, but i dont really care lol. Anyway here is a 'ouch, dam, omg, nasty' scar from a motocross accident i got off the net, trust me, ive seen worse. Like in this motocross book with 'how to stay fit' and 'how to recover from a ingery' theres this scar on this guys shoulder and it looks like instead of stitches it looks like staples have been there to close, ya i kno what ur thinking, ewww gross!!! yuck !!!WARNING DONT LOOK FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!!

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15y ago

Motocross is a dangerous sport but you can minimize your risks by wearing the proper safety equipment including a real neck brace, not just a rubber donut. Also, you must be physically fit and in good practice before really competing in an organized event. I have raced since 1975 and have broken many bones and have herniated discs in my lower back. I have two areas of metal bracing in my body but I still compete as often as possible.

Most of my injuries came from not having enough impulse control and riding above my abilities or just dumb luck like having someone land on my back on the landing of a jump. I am glad my sons don't race as it would make me nervous to watch them but I dont worry about myself in that way.

For me the risks are worth what I get out of the competition, staying fit at 53 years old, keeping the mechanical aspect in control and enjoying the comraderie of the other old bucks chasing the dragon.

with free style motocross being more main stream, no one thinks MX is extreme anymore.

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14y ago

i dont belive it is, some people would say it is extreamly dangerous but i disagree. it all depends on how you ride. if your a good rider your less likely to get into an accedent. you do fall once or twice, but its mostly turning corners. plus it really doesnt hurt, at all! unless you arnt wearing the proper gear

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15y ago

Maybe because your traveling at 100 km/h and if you fall off theres nothing to protect you.....Wow some people

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its frickin fun!! :)

Is James steward racing motocross 2009?


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