The name attributed to a group of married women or wives is know as a 'circle': This reference came about because in their gathering in 'coffee klatches', conversations, quilting parties the Colonial periood wives were often seen sitting in a loose circle of seating arrangements. This evolved from pioneer days when the wagonmaster in a 'westward-bound' emmigrant party would require the Conestoga wagons to be 'circled' for the night: This configuration allowed that the cook-fire or campfire could be easily readied within the circle of wagons which was in addition a in a defensive, protective arrangfement to ward off the violent winds, raiding Indian war parties. The ' circling' provided much in the manner of easy conversation amongst the wives of the Westward-bound emmigrants
John Pinette is famous for his comedy acting. He has appeared in a number of films which include Junior, My 5 Wives and the Punisher. He won an American comedy award in 1999.
The name attributed to a group of married women or wives is know as a 'circle': This reference came about because in their gathering in 'coffee klatches', conversations, quilting parties the Colonial periood wives were often seen sitting in a loose circle of seating arrangements. This evolved from pioneer days when the wagonmaster in a 'westward-bound' emmigrant party would require the Conestoga wagons to be 'circled' for the night: This configuration allowed that the cook-fire or campfire could be easily readied within the circle of wagons which was in addition a in a defensive, protective arrangfement to ward off the violent winds, raiding Indian war parties. The ' circling' provided much in the manner of easy conversation amongst the wives of the Westward-bound emmigrants
Because like all literature, it expresses meaning and emotion from the author to the reader in order to convey a message.
If they flirt/ check out others, work lots of "late shifts", you can check their emails/phones, and ic they are acting distant/ uninterested towards you.
The possessive form for the plural noun wives is wives'.
The wives are not wives with each other. They are just married to the same man.
aparently he beat up his ex wives... gave them the stone cold stunner... just kidding i dont know about that last part
Apollo had no wives.
The possessive form of the plural noun wives is wives'.example: We're planning a party for our wives' birthdays.
He had four wives.
King Moshoeshoe had 140 wives.