then there is a short some where!
The 2004 Sorrento has a major problem blowing out taillights and headlights. The dealer said they found no problem but I have never had to change so many bulbs. The only thing I can guess is there is a grounding issue some where and techs now a days are just parts re placers and do not know how to trace problems.
Short in the wiring or a bad fuel pump.
you need to replace the fuse for the headlights.
It might be because of moisture. Mine would go out every time it rained. I had my mechanic put a new silicon seal on the headlights and that solved it for me.
There is a voltage regulator located on the internals of you alternator replace the altenator. Voltage regulator keeps voltage constant and stops spikes in power output, this is what is causing your headlights to blow.
A live wire in the audio circuit is touching metal, or connected to ground in some way.
The headlights of a Ford Windstar may have problems going on if they are burnt out or if there is a wiring problem. Blowing a headlight fuse will also lead to both lights not working.
1 faulty brake light switch, 2 faulty wiring from switch to taillights. Possible short on trailer jack (if fitted).
When a cars headlights, AC, and radio are losing power, it is possible the alternator.
yes, but bet on a short in your wiring.
my Chevy cobalt 2005 keeps blowing the fuse everytime i put my windows up or down i had the door wireing replace a new window motor replaced new switch and it still blows the fuse what can the problem be