Interval means the gap between each car on the track, measured in seconds, or laps.
One of the definitions of the word 'interval' is the amount of time between two objects. On the world feed of the F1 race, there are two different types of intervals shown. One is the time difference between the leader and all of the other competitors. The word 'interval' is placed under the leader's name because he is leading ... the numbers listed under the other drivers is the amount of time those drivers are behind the leader. If a driver has been lapped by the leader, it will show his interval as '1 lap' (or '2 laps' or '3 laps' depending on how many times that driver has been lapped by the leader). If a driver has retired from the race, it will show his interval as 'out'. The other interval sometimes shown underneath a driver is the amount of time the driver is behind the driver immediately ahead of him. Again, the word interval is placed under the leader. The number under the 2nd place driver is the time he is behind the leader. The number under the 3rd place driver is the time he is behind the 2nd place driver. The number under the 4th place driver is the time he is behind the 3rd place driver ... and so on. If a driver is 1 lap behind the driver immediately in front of him in the standings, it will show his interval as '1 lap'. If a driver has retired from the race, it will show his interval as 'out'. You can tell which type of interval is being shown by the numbers ... if the numbers underneath the each driver is higher than the number under the driver ahead of him, this is showing the interval between the driver and the leader ... if the numbers are higher and lower, this is showing the interval between the driver and the driver immediately ahead of him in the standings.
What is an antoym for interval
U find the word interval
I went to get some more popcorn during the interval.
The Pitch Interval
Some examples of compound words with the word "leader" in them are: Team leader Thought leader Vice leader
Interval is the gap in a play or performance were you can leave and come back for the second half.
The word pitch refers to the actual sound of the note, i.e, how high or low it is. Interval is the relation of different pitches to each other.
Yes, in the example sentence, the word 'race' is used as a noun; a word for a competition; a word for a thing.The word 'race' also functions as a verb: race, races, racing, raced.
Yes, in the example sentence, the word 'race' is used as a noun; a word for a competition; a word for a thing. The word 'race' also functions as a verb: race, races, racing, raced.