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If you mean people needing for the formula 1 cars then it is pretty simple.

Lets start with what friction is. Friction is the force between two objects as they move over one another such as a car's tire and the surface which it is travelling on. There are 2 types of friction known as static friction and kinectic friction. Static friction is the frictional force required to start an object moving on another surface. Kinetic frictional force is the force to keep the object in motion.

So knowing just the main description of friction. A Formula One car needs some amount of static friction in order to move it and the power comes from the engines. Of course less than 1% of power is needed due to the slickness of the tyres which enables a greater acceration. Next a formula 1 needs kinectic friction to maintain speed especially through the high speed and even the high G-force corners like at monza in order to maintain on track and not in the barriers. A F1 car maintains kinectic energy from using a specific amount of power from the engines that provide forward acceration and creating momentum for the car to move.

This is for dry weather but wet weather is slightly different as too much rain that even the wet tyres won't able to cope and as a result, the F1 car would hydroplain into another car or into the barriers. Hydroplaining is due to the lack of kinectic friction between the tyre and the road surface. This is the same as in your family car and exact same thing happens in snow for same reasons.

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