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Q: Why do Monster Trucks have big tires?
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How big are monster trucks?

A monster truck is generally 13,000 to 20,000 lbs.

Are monster trucks scary?

No :) there just big cars and trucks :d

Where can I buy monster truck tires Not the goodyear or firestone site. It can be one of those sites but i need a specific URL? they have 64 inch tires for monster trucks

How big is a monster truck?


Where can videos of Big Foot monster trucks be viewed?

One can find videos of Big Foot monster trucks on various websites like YouTube and Dailymotion. Both websites offer over 1 billion videos including videos of Big Foot monster trucks.

Why do people put big tires on trucks?

cause their badass

Are monster trucks big wheels in front or back?

They are the same size. BIG

How many wheels does a monster truck have?

countless many...

What is the average salary of a Monster Truck driver?

A monster truck driver drives huge trucks, with very large tires that are massive compared to any normal trucks. These trucks are usually driven in rallies to show their power. The monster truck driver usually makes between 30 to 50 thousand dollars a year.

Name some monster trucks?

The original "Big Foot".Grave Digger.

How tall is the biggest monster truck?

The biggest monster truck is 15 feet tall.

What kind of trucks can be rented from Ryder Truck Rental?

Any kind of trucks. Big trucks, small trucks, cool trucks, hot trucks, awesome trucks, bad trucks, and best of all monster trucks. Glad to be of assistance to you.