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women tend to rely more on emotions. For decision making, while men think logically.

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12y ago

what,women are better achievers since when, from what I have experianced in my life they just take from men!

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Q: Why are women braver then men?
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What is the superlative form of brave?

braver, bravest more famous, most famous

When was Adam Braver born?

Adam Braver was born in 1963.

How tall is Jon Braver?

Jon Braver is 5' 9".

Is braver an abstract noun?

No, the word 'braver' is the comparative form of the adjective brave (braver, bravest).The noun form of the adjective 'brave' is braveness.

Does Stanley get braver in holes?

after he ran away and came back he was a little braver

What is a sentence using the word braver?

She charged straight at him, she must be braver than me.

If a big rock is brave what do you call one that's even braver?

Braver boulder

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Did both men and women fight each other when they were roman gladiators?

No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.

What is the moral lesson of the story princess urduja?

not every boys are brave sometimes girls are braver than boys...

Do more women want to be men or more men want to be women?

men want to be women

What is comparative and superlative degree of brave?

The comparative form is more courageous and the superlative is most courageous