yes. Formula ones have to stop in distances of less than 150m from over 300kmh whereas nascars just crash when they try that. Thats why nascars great to watch.
800 horsepower under the hood, a car stiff enough to not jump all over the place when you use the power, and a driver good enough to take advantage of it.
It is a unofficial mix of English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil over in Singapore.
factory HP in pre-1988 - - around 280-300 HP depending on carb. Nascars 350's - - over 850 HP.... if you've got the cash. DMV.ORG - The Unofficial Guide to the DMV
it was never released but you can buy an unofficial copy at
try over and over,pick different results:-)
There is some dispute over this. The Victoria River is published on the Australian Government Geoscience website as the longest, but the Katherine-Daly River figures indicate that this river is longer. The Victoria river is 510 km in length (unofficial), while the Katherine River 328 km (unofficial) combining with the Daly 361 km (unofficial) is a single river of 689 km.
Blood pressure test
lots of disagreements over its meaning.
The results were the landings of over 130,000 Allied troops, over 8,000 vehicles and about 1,000 tons of supplies.
A reliable test is one that has the same results over time. This means you can trust the test and its outcome.