His first daughter Katrina is 9 yrs old and her mother's name is Chelsea Mandernacht.
His 2nd daughter is Savy, shes 1yr and her mother is Susie (Sander) Stenberg who is his current wife of 4yrs.
Your mother's son is you or your brother. Your mother's son's daughter is your daughter, or your niece. Your mother's son's daughter's mother is your wife, or your sister-in-law.
This question is inconclusive it has no correlation or form of obtaining an answer.
If Tara's daughter is your daughter's mother, and you are a woman, you are Tara's daughter.
Yes, a grandmother is a mother. A mother to her daughter. She is grandmother to her daughter's children.
Shirley Clarkson
If it is YOUR mother or daughter just say hi mum/daughter or Dear Mother or daughters name.
If Paula's mother's mother had only one daughter, that is the same as saying that Paula's grandmother had only one daughter. Therefore Paula is the daughter of the only one daughter that her grandmother had.
Niece. Your mother has children, you and your sister. So your mother's daughter is your sister. When she has a daughter, this is your niece.
Mother Teresa had no biological daughter.
Your mother.