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Q: Who has more fans Indy or NASCAR?
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Who brings in more fans the Daytona 500 or the Indy 500?

It's tough to say because the Daytona 500 is the Nascar Super Bowl and more fans like Nascar than Indycar, but the Indy 500 racetrack has more seats than in Daytona. So I think more people go to the Indy 500 just because the track has more seats and the Indy 500 is the most important race in motor sports.

The most watched NASCAR event?

The Indy 500

How many laps did Jr Lead in the Indy 500 in 2008?

None, Jr races NASCAR not Indy.

What does an Indy car weigh?

A lot less than a Nascar

What is the purpose of car sponsorships in NASCAR?

The purpose of car sponsorships in NASCAR is to gain more attraction and fans. In addition, the purpose of car sponsorships in NASCAR is to gain more support for race car sports.

Will NASCAR fans watch football?

NASCAR fans will watch football. Though races may interfere with football because of the time of the race and game, fans can watch both sports. It's possible to like more than one sport.

Are Indy race cars faster than Nascar race cars?


Who is the best in NASCAR?

Well the more the fans cheer the driver the better they do. Dale Jr does good because the fans love him. It is a key to do better.

Whats is the race held at Indianapolis Motor Speedway?

Indy 500, open wheel cars, NASCAR holds the brickyard 400 at Indy every year.

What are the psychographics of NASCAR fans?

They love tailgating.

Is Nascar more popular than football?

Yes it is. Heck, no! * The amount of fans for NASCAR are about the same for pro football. Not exactly.. Nascar has more fans than football, seeing how the people in other countries who are football fans are actually "soccer fans"

Who was the last former winner to not enter the Indy 500 the following year?

2007 winner Dario Franchitti, now racing in NASCAR, did not race the 2008 Indy 500.