Darrel Waltrip
Darrell Waltrip drove the #11 Mountain Dew car in 1981 and 1982.
The last to drive the Mountain Dew car was Darrell Waltrip.
diet dew
Mountain dew
Regular Mountain Dew- Lemon Lime Citrus Diet Mountain Dew Code Red Mountain Dew- Cherry flavored Livewire Mountain Dew- Orange flavored Baja Blast Mountain Dew- Lime flavored Mountain Dew Game fuel Red- Cherry flavored Mountain Dew Game fuel Blue- Tropical fruit flavored Voltage Mountain Dew- Blue Raspberry flavored Ultraviolet Mountain Dew- Mixed Berry flavored Mountain Dew Throwback Whiteout Mountain Dew- Smooth Citrus Typhoon Mountain Dew- Tropical fruit flavored Distortion Mountain Dew- Lime flavored Mountain Dew Pitch Black - Grape Mountain Dew Pitch Black 2 - Sour Grape
Fans of Mountain Dew
No, Mountain Dew does not have steroids... But, according from what i have heard mountain dew and steroids are basically similar to each other.
Diet Mountain Dew has a sugar substitute while regular Mountain Dew uses high fructose corn syrup.
Mountain Dew MDX was created in 2005.
Vintage Mountain Dew or Throwback Mountain Dew is sweetened with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.
PepsiCo makes Mountain Dew.Mountain Dew was acquired by Pepsi in 1964 from the Tip Corporation. The Tip Corporation introduced Mountain Dew in 1948.