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Q: Who drives backwards bob the monster truck?
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Related questions

Who invented the monster truck?

Bob Chandler

What was the first monster truck to join monster jam?

monster trucks were invented in late 1970's by bob chandler and his monster truck Bigfoot were the first ones to use a monster truck

How big was the first monster truck?

As big as they are now. Bob Chandler created the monster truck with the first Big Foot.

When was the first monster truck invented?

The very first monster truck was the original Bigfoot of 1975. It was built by Bob & Marylin Chandler.

When was the monster truck invented?

In was invented by Bob Chandler when he created the original Big Foot in 1981.

Where was the monster truck invented?

Invented by Bob Chandler when he built Big Foot in St. Louis, Mo.

Where was the first monster truck invented?

Hey man. I don't know where it was invented but I do know that in the early eighties Bob Chandler made the first monster truck named "BigFoot" St. Louis, MO actually.

What is bob spelled backwards?

The name “bob” spelled backwards would have the same name, as “bob”.

Why did bob chandler make the first monster truck?

Why? Because no one had ever done it before, that is why. Click the link:

When was the first monster truck ever made?

The biggest monster truck ever was the Big Foot 5. It has fire tundra tires that are 10 feet high and 4 feet wide. To get in, Bob Chandler has to climb up the wheels from the back.

On monsters vs Aliens is BOB a alien or monster?

BOB is a monster.

What is bob spelt backwards?

Redrum spelt backwards is murder.