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fabien Izoird

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Q: Who are some famous french supercross riders?
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What is the difference between supercross and motocross?

Supercross= usually races inside stadiums, unless it takes place at a speedway, like at the Daytona supercross. Supercross utilizes a single race format, meaning one final moto. To get to this final moto, the riders must qualify through a series of heat races. Supercross is fast, tight and technical. They have big jumps and rythem sections. Supercross usually races on Saturday nights... Motocross= Motocross races are held on tracks that are permanent, meaning, it isn't torn down after every race, like a supercross track is. The track is longer, wider, and most of them have natural terrain. A lot of outdoor tracks have hills and tricky sections, like sand or off camber corners. They have some big jumps. Motocross uses a 2 moto format. Like supercross, a rider must qualify through a series of heat races. Like I said before the motocross series uses a 2 moto format. The winner is determined with the best overall score. Motocross races are usually held on Sunday afternoons....

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What are famous types of music and dance in France?

Some Famous types of danceing in France are: French pop French Jazz And Cabrett

Are Paris people famous for their french fries?

French call that just fries. You can eat some in Paris but parisians are not specially famous for them.

What are some things the French are famous for?

speaking french, wine and cheese, and eating escargot.

Who are some famous french actors?

one is Alain Chabat

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One famous French king is Louis XIV, also known as "Le Roi Soleil" (the Sun King).

Who were some famous french people in history?

Please see the list.

What are some famous French inventors?

Louis braille and Louis Pasteur.