Most carts use steering shaft, spindle, tie rods, and pitman arm steering system. This is the simplest and most inexpensive system.
horizontanl streering
The 1971 Plymouth duster uses a power steering system ..... Have a good day
You should use "Honda Power Steering Fluid" ONLY!
A square one
Rack and Pinion with power assist.
Gm recommended power steering fluid
Regular power steering fluid.
Based on the type of system, there could be several lengths that would work.
It depends on the type of vehicle and the steering system that it has. If the vehicle has rack and pinion steering, it may be a bad rack and pinion. If the vehicle has a steering gear, like most older cars of pickup trucks, It could have a bad steering gear.
Dextron III ATF
Check the owner's manual to see if it specifies any specific type of fluid you need to use, if not, any type of power steering fluid should be fine.
Synthetic power steering fluid from the dealer only. Do NOT mix drugstore power steering fluid, ATF, or non-synthetic fluid in your steering system. Damage to the seals/gaskets could result in leaks.